Change or Cancel a Subscription

Need to change or cancel a plan.  We understand.  Below is a description of how our subscription changes and cancellations work.  Please note that our policies are based on your last order date or where you are in your current order cycle.

Upgrade a Subscription Plan 

You are loving the gojji experience and want to change your plan?  It’s easy.  You may submit a change through your Gojji app or call us.  If you are upgrading to a higher level plan (i.e. from Gojji 150 to Gojji 300 or Silver/Gold), your new subscription will not start until the next billing cycle.  Call us if you would like to upgrade immediately.


Downgrade a Subscription Plan

Likewise, If you need to upgrade or change your plan because your testing frequency has changed, you may submit a change easily through your Gojji app or just give us a call.  Please note that no refund is available for all paid subscriptions.  Your new subscription will start at the end if this billing period.


Cancel a Subscription Plan

You may cancel your subscription plan anytime and your current plan will end at the end of the subscription period.  We do not offer prorated refunds for plan cancellations.

If you cancel a monthly subscription, your subscription continues until the end of your current 30-day period.  You will not incur additional charges.

If you cancel a quarterly subscription, your subscription continues until the end of your current 90-day period.  You will not incur additional charges.